Why Content Marketing Service
There is a mounting body of evidence pointing to the fact that consumers prefer to do business with companies that offer rich information online – whether through search, social or email content. For example, one-quarter of Americans make purchase decisions based on blogs. It is a reason, most retail websites have very active blogs.
Frequently updated social pages have helped 72 percent of social marketers close sales. Over $120 Billion annually is being spent on content marketing, video marketing and social media. Creating, publishing, and properly distributing content is highly effective in today’s digital market landscape.
Creating content that is so valuable that people would pay for it, yet you give it away for free, is a reliable way to earn the public’s trust. Every day the target customers asks questions in social networks and search engines, which leads them to an organization’s content where they find the answers they need.
Content marketing is better because prospects prefer it; it costs an organization less money; it produces more sales and customers; it creates competitiveness; and long term marketing benefits. It furthermore, supports other forms of marketing such as social media and Search Engine Optimization campaigns.