Google’s Mobile-Friendly Algorithm Change On April 21 Is Critical

Google’s upcoming Algorithm change (Mobile-Friendly) schedule this year on April the 21st is critical. This algorithm change will impact more websites than Google’s Panda and Penguin algorithm updates over the last couple years. In short, businesses that do not have Responsive Design websites (mobile-friendly) will be in trouble. Google has stated that this Mobile-Friendly Algorithm…

Responsive Design Websites Is A Must Now According To Google

Is your business website designed and developed in HTML5 and CSS3? Why? Responsive Design websites are created in HTML5, which makes them mobile-friendly and properly accessible through mobile devices such as tablets and smart phones. Why is this important now? Google has announced a major algorithm change that will force most business owners to convert…

5 Online Marketing Trends In 2015 That Are Critical To Success

Online marketing has gone through several evolutions since the Internet changed the way we conduct business these days and how we communicate. Especially over the last couple years, businesses are finding success through becoming their own media companies and publishing original and quality content online. Marketers and brands are continually adjusting to search engine algorithm…

Why Blogging Can Increase Your Online Sales Drastically

Do you have a business website? How about an e-commerce website, are you selling something online? For anyone who is operating e-commerce websites or managing a business website, they all should have a professionally setup and optimized blog that is frequently updated with quality and relative content. Why? Blogging can increase your online sales drastically.…

5 Common Mistakes E-Commerce Websites Make With Shopping Pages

A very large portion of online activity is done daily that is commerce. Start-ups, small, and large enterprise size companies compete online for consumers with e-commerce websites. Some have larger budgets and others smaller, but all have websites with shopping pages and carts. To get the best results from marketing and advertising efforts, e-commerce websites…

10 Checkout Process Design Tips For E-Commerce Websites

Consumers love taking advantage of online shopping opportunities. They don’t have to leave the comfort of their house; they can quickly compare prices, competing products, and take advantage of any deals. Shopping online can be a great experience, with quality and properly established e-commerce websites. Online shopping is not always a great experience. When a…