What we are seeing today is only the beginning of online retail. We predominantly still use regular e-commerce websites to attract, convert, and service customers. This is drastically changing. Online retail is now a multi-channel sales approach. Retailers sell now products on many different types of sales channels such as social media stores, Amazon, eBay, and so on.
The future of retailing is certainly looking very different than the past hundred years for retailers and consumers. We still have brick and mortar stores, which our large department stores still being a desired destination by consumers. An invention of the 50s, when the automobile industry soared, suburbs got developed, and malls were build.
Then, the digital age came and things changed quickly for online retail. Now, it is changing again. Retailing online is a fast changing business. It is getting harder to define what online retail is vs. traditional. When an individual goes into a store, but does not find the item there and orders it online. Is it online retail or not? It can get complicated.
Online retail is changing and some retailers are feeling overwhelmed. As it evolves, online retail is becoming more of omni-channel retailing. This means retailers will interact with consumers and customers through a multitude of channels. Such channels will be websites, social media stores, mobile, gaming consoles, TV, and many more.
Brands that want to be successful must embrace this trend and start branching out with their sales channels. This is really no different than what the traditional sales evolution was. Retailers succeeded by having their products in many stores. Now online, they will have to do the same.
Marketing services can assist brands and entrepreneurs with some of the workload and strategies. Consulting services are also a great way to gain knowledge without spending too much money or deciding. For companies that are already more established, Conversion Optimization services can help improve sales and customer service experience.
Regardless of method, retailers must embrace the multi channel approach. Selling through a single source will not sustain moving forward. Consumers are dictating otherwise and retailers must meet those expectations.