Google may be the top search engine but Bing is breathing down its neck. Bing market share increased by an impressive 13 percent from May 2012 to May 2013 and at 17.4 percent, is second to only Google. Apple recently announced that Bing will become the default search engine for the increasingly popular Siri. Here are some skin care SEO tips and other ways to improve Bing rankings.
Bing may not have Google-level paid search features but it offers multiple opportunities to increase the size and visibility of paid search listings. When purchasing ads on Bing, marketers should use Rich Ads in Search (RAIS) and call, enhanced site link, and location extensions. Recently, Bing began adding company logos by default, a feature previously only available through RAIS.
As is evident from the Microsoft Bing It On Campaign, Bing is focusing on images. An upgraded image search that lets users browse images by usage rights was announced on July 1. To rank an image on Bing, include target keywords in the image file name and alt tag and create external and internal links to the image.
Bing Places for Business upgrades will make this feature more appealing than Google+ Local. Bing incorporates maps and local addresses into search results so skin care retailers should verify physical locations and optimize listings within feeds. Yelp powers the Bing review system so soliciting product reviews and managing locations on Yelp should increase rankings of maps for non-branded keywords. Bing Places for Business also offers the ability for business owners to add images to maps and provide custom URLs for additional traffic.
An actively managed Twitter account is required to make effective use of branding real estate with Bing. This involves having branded information on the Twitter account, recent tweets, and Klout scores relevant to the skin care products. Google only features its own products but Bing incorporates Twitter and Facebook into its search platform. To receive the full Bing-Facebook experience, the individual must be logged into Facebook and permit the search engine to access user information.
Facebook users who opt in to Bing will see mentions of searched products by friends, adding organic results to the first page of Bing searches. When Facebook is enabled, an individual may see 20 or more organic listings for brand terms based on number of Facebook friends with mentions. Keyword-optimized anchor text and acquiring relevant, high-quality links are traditional skin care SEO practices that will enhance organic search rankings.