Cyber Monday has been the biggest online shopping day of the year in the United States since 2010. Last year in 2013, Cyber Monday sales reached around $2.3 billion in sales according to Adobe.
Retailers have trained shoppers to bargain hunt the weekend after the Thanksgiving holiday, including the following Monday. Shoppers expect these days, lower prices, free shipping options, discounts, and more. Retailers that offer deals on Cyber Monday will enjoy most likely additional sales.
Cyber Monday trumped Black Friday sales in growth last year. Black Friday saw a 15% increase in sales, while Cyber Monday increased by 18%. This year in 2014, the growth is expected to be even higher. Retailers that wish to take advantage of this growth trend and Cyber Monday sales opportunities, should review the below marketing tips.
5 Retail Marketing Tips For Cyber Monday
1. Offer Promotions and Free Shipping
To increase online sales during the holiday sales season, retailers should offer promotions and free shipping. Research shows that consumers respond greatly during Cyber Monday when offered promotions and free shipping. Free shipping without conditions and with conditions such as minimum purchase orders drove sales significantly last Cyber Monday.
2. Give Away Products with Sales
Consumers love a deal during Cyber Monday. It is the single reason to shop that day. Retailers that offer deals such as free products with certain sales can quickly increase their online sales through these incentives. Everyone likes free products. Giving away certain products for free with the purchase of other products can increase sales during Cyber Monday.
3. Provide Additional Customer Service
Retailers should get ready to provide additional customer service options for Cyber Monday customers and online shoppers. Consumers often need more assistance during the holiday shopping season. Retailers that display toll free numbers, live chat functionality, answer emails, and provide shopping assistance on their websites will see the best results.
4. Invite existing Customer to Shop with Deals
Retailers and merchants should invite all their existing customers through HTML flyers and Newsletters to visit the website and shop on Cyber Monday, with the proper incentives. Retailers should offer sales deals to loyal customers. Customers that are given special treatment most likely will take advantage of deals on Cyber Monday.
5. Leverage Social Media Exposure for Sales
Retailers must engage on social media platforms to reach larger audiences and increase sales during Cyber Monday. Consumers spend a significant amount of time on social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and others. Merchants should announce their deals and specials on social media channels prior to Cyber Monday.
Merchants and retailers that wish to take full advantage of the holiday shopping season can always get help with marketing consulting services, or simply let professional marketers manage their campaigns. Marketing consulting services educate retailers and merchants on what works and what does not.
Companies that have the proper budget can always let professional marketing services manage their efforts, during the holiday sales season for best results. Marketing services such as content marketing, paid advertising, search engine optimization, and social media campaigns are some of the most effective methods.