To produce online sales much has to be considered. One of those aspects is the home page. The e-commerce home page design and development are critical. Everything about it is important to the success of the website, brand, and sales efforts. Quality retail home pages are necessary to produce much more online sales. It is a key area that should be reviewed and properly optimized for quality and results.
Generating online sales is the primary goal of e-commerce websites. Companies and retail brands invest into marketing and adverting, as well as sales tactics. The momentum created results in site visitors. These potential shoppers are then incentivized to shop through various incentives such as deals, discounts, specials, and other promotions.
With all the momentum created the home page which receives the majority of traffic must be properly created and optimized for best results. There are some common items which should be on the home page. Certain key elements should be present. To assist, we listed some of these elements below. These are areas to carefully review and adjust as needed to optimize for sales and customer service.
Home Page Header
The top part of the home page is important. It is the first a visitor sees, but it is also where search engines start to crawl the page for indexing. Since the header of the website is seen across all pages, it is further important. Key details should be here such as phone number, shop features, etc. The header is one of the elements that add consistency to a website.
Product Buy Incentives
The incentives are so important. It is the reasons a brand gives site visitors to shop. Incentives range and come in many forms. For example, incentives can be deals, specials, discounts, seasonal promotions, timed offers, freebies, giveaways, contests, reward programs, and so on. These incentives should be vividly and strategically displayed on the home page and other key pages of the e-commerce website.
SEO Text Copy
To achieve organic search engine rankings and results, plenty of SEO text copy must be on the home page. The average top ten ranking page in Google has on average 1200 words. This is the reason, successful e-commerce websites have multiple sections on the home page, giving them enough room to create captivating SEO text copy that is highly optimized for search results.
Shopping Features
The shopping features must be strategically placed throughout the home page to trigger visitors to shop. They should be in the first fold for example in the top image scroller or as a static offer. It could be a product scroller from the shopping cart. Further down, more shopping features can be implemented within other elements such as the text copy and incentives.
Home Page Footer
The footer (bottom part) is much like the header but its opposite. The footer is the very bottom of the website and home page. It too repeats itself across all pages and the website. This allows a company and retailer to include critical details in the footer very much like the header. The footer should have key company details, links, certifications, trust symbols, and so on.
Retail brands and entrepreneurs that wish to improve their online operations should talk to experts to learn more about retail websites, options and requirements. Quality retail home pages producing sales can be created with expert help. Speak with a retail marketing and website professional. Learn about what should and can be done to improve online sales.