Operating an online business has many advantages. An ecommerce website business is a great way to generate revenue with much smaller overhead. It takes much less of an investment to get started. Less of risk, time, and resources required. An online store is also worldwide, open for business 24/7. Yet, there are reasons ecommerce websites lack online sales.
When an online store is not generating sales, the business looks for reasons. The most common question to experts is, “Why do we have such low sales?”. The answer is not always the same but often similar reasons are the cause. In order to help companies, improve online sales, here are the most common reasons ecommerce websites lack online sales.
Limited and poor product photography.
The customer is not able to touch and experience the product in person when shopping online. Therefore, it is that much more important to supply the consumer with plenty of quality driven photography and video. Often, brands provide a single photo of the product. This is not sufficient enough. Multiple photos professionally taken with quality only. In addition, videos are a great way to improve online sales conversion.
Shipping details and options not well displayed.
Ecommerce websites often have to offer shipping incentives and deals. These shipping details must be properly displayed. Only then, it supports sales conversion and contributes to an increase in online sales. Shipping incentives and details should be displayed on the home page as well as shipping pages and checkout.
Less qualified website traffic and visitors.
Not all website traffic is the same. Often people end up on a website but have different intentions or needs. Most websites have a bounce rate of well over 50%. Therefore, it is important to improve the quality of the traffic. This can be achieved through marketing services such as SEO, paid advertising, and even social media marketing. Improving marketing efforts will improve the quality of the site traffic as well.
Complicated and lengthy checkout process.
When customers buy a product and go through the checkout process. They should have no challenges or confusion. The checkout process should be short, simple, and very user-friendly. All details should be well displayed, including shipping information. The easier the checkout the better the conversion rate. Keep it short and sweet.
Not properly designed and structured home page.
The home page is the most visited page on websites. This is especially true for ecommerce websites. The home page is sort of the entrance to the online store. Many ecommerce websites do not have the right elements, sections, text, incentives display, and so on. This hurts online sales and causes websites with online stores to perform poorly. The home page has to be strategically structured so that it supports marketing efforts, customer needs, and the brand itself.
Companies and brands that wish to get assistance can always work with experts. Professionals can quickly review ecommerce websites and point out areas that can be improved upon to get better results. For increasing online sales, work with experts and take the guessing out. Save time and get answers right away.