This question comes up frequently at the end of each year. What marketing strategies and tactics will continue to produce results? Retailers must allocate budgets appropriately and invest into the correct marketing tactics. Otherwise, the desired results will be more difficult to be reached. Here are some of the leading retail marketing tips and trends for 2018.
When looking at what type of marketing tactics will work for retailers? The answer is not that wild. The top-level marketing tactics are not so new. They are less of trends but more the foundation for selling products online. Even though these techniques are not new, many brands still do not take advantage of them.
Never stop improving the processes.
Successful online retailing involves a complex approach. The sale itself with e-commerce websites is rather simple. The complexity occurs throughout the process of acquiring a website visitor, converting him or her into a shopper, and hopefully into a loyal customer and repeat shopper. To achieve this, brands must never stop improving the processes. This is achieved with A/B testing, site path analysis, surveys, usability studies, customer feedback and so on. This will continue in 2018 to be a vital part of online success.
Development and integration of videos.
Most experts agree that video is the future of online communication. Google already has proven the popularity and dominance of YouTube and videos. YouTube used to be the second largest search engines after Google search. The recent data shows that YouTube is now more popular than Google Search. Retailers must start investing into video marketing and development. Videos are utilized in many ways and help retailers drastically. In 2018, video marketing will continue to play a critical part to online success.
Publication and distribution of content.
Content still remains the leader in online marketing methods. Many other forms of marketing tactics rely on content. Content is considered anything in text such as articles, white papers, case studies, press releases and website text of any kind, as well as images and videos. Retailers to succeed online in 2018 must continue or start to create unique, quality driven, and relevant content. This content must be published and properly distributed for best results.
Integrating more social media tools.
Social media is already a part of most retailers and brands. This is certainly nothing new. What is more recent are some of the tools social media channels are starting to offer. Some are even becoming shopping channels such as Facebook stores have allowed retailers. Social media companies are constantly improving upon their platform. The result is often added tools and solutions for retailers and advertisers. Integrating these tools in 2018 is key to continued online success.
Brands that are not sure and need help can work with professionals and experts. Through consulting such as marketing consulting services, retailers can gain access to valuable assistance. Results can be achieved faster and costly mistakes avoided. Brands may as well benefit from having their e-commerce websites and technology applications reviewed by professionals. Any adjustments for improvement can be long-lasting and profitable.