First time investors and entrepreneurs at times learn this the hard way. Not all ecommerce web design service is the same. Some services are simply put executed by much more experienced, detailed oriented, technically skilled, and quality graphic design driven. Not all websites have the same purpose, but ecommerce websites are in business of selling products. Retail brands prefer to launch ecommerce websites that produce results.
The technology utilized is important to the functionality, scalability, and user friendliness of an ecommerce website. Some applications are better than others. Mostly, there are two main choices. Leased or open-source ecommerce applications such as WordPress for open-source or Shopify for leased. The decision-making begins here.
The next step is to decide what type of application to use for the development of the ecommerce website. There are numerous options. Some of the more popular, we have already mentioned above. If the choice was to go open-source (own the infrastructure) than WordPress or Magento are the more popular applications. With WordPress a secondary application powering the shopping cart is integrated. The more popular choice here is WooCommerce.
Once these decisions have been made, the design is starting to be considered. The design strategy has to specifically incorporate all details from the retail brand. Such details are the product line size, product desired audience, brand’s marketing budgets, company goals, and so on. There is much to consider when designing ecommerce websites. This is not a process to rush.
Graphic design is not just a bunch of images. Graphic design for websites especially ecommerce includes a vast amount of detail. The website template which is graphically designed is the overall architecture of the entire website. Grahpic design is the most critical aspect of ecommerce development. Professionally graphic designed ecommerce websites perform at a much higher conversion rate. Not all ecommerce website design service is the same.
Some graphic design thoughts to consider with ecommerce websites.
- Color is important, it inspires emotions.
- Page consistency is critical to user experience.
- Use only quality and clear photography.
- Carefully create the home page to support efforts.
- Display clearly the incentives on all site pages.
- Keep checkout process short, simple, and easy to use.
Experienced graphic designers that work with retailers and ecommerce websites tend to know what works and what does not. When working with industry experts, the results tend to be better and it shows. The website performances are better. They are designed to incorporate the needs of the investors, marketing budgets and efforts, sales, and other company specific goals.
Not all ecommerce web design service is the same. For best results, brands should work with experienced talent to get the job done. The website for online commerce is the foundation. When the foundation is not properly created and functioning, all other efforts fail to produce desired results. It starts with the website for online commerce.