It is the same question many retailers have these days. How to increase sales? What can we do to improve online store pages? For companies that sell products through e-commerce, it is a critical question to have answered. Competitiveness online and consumer behavior dictates a comprehensive approach.
Online store pages are an important part of the sales process. They showcase each individual product. Provide the vital details and information to the potential customer. The overall design, architecture, and layout are what cause a visitor to behave a certain way. Professional Conversion Optimization services deal with the optimization of such pages.
For increased sales, here are several tips on how to improve online store pages. These tips are simple and straightforward. To increase sales, make these improvements and analyze the results.
Improve Online Store Pages
Use Only High Quality Photographs
There are too many online stores who use poor product photography. For better sales, publish only high quality photographs. Photographs, which are taken professionally, tend to get the best results. Multiple images per product are important as well.
Write Focused Professional Content
Content is highly important for a website and online store pages. What is being said via text should be concise. Store content must be unique for each product, relevant, and well written. Never use already existing content from other websites or the manufacturer. Write everything custom for the online store and website!
Properly Design the Store Page Layout
The layout of the store pages is key to the action visitors take. It guides them in specific ways. Store page layouts should enable the visitor to quickly find what they look for. It should be effortless by the visitor to find things. Use negative space here to keep the focus on the vital elements.
Display Correctly Reviews and Promotions
Often store pages miss critical elements that consumers look for. Such elements are product/customer reviews. Most major retailers already understand this very well. Retailers such as Amazon make it a priority to showcase reviews. Each product should have reviews enabled and displayed.
There are many more ways to improve online store pages. Companies that want better results can hire experts to help. Experts can quickly identify what is missing or what needs to be improved upon. There is no learning curve with professionals. They can immediately assist with improvements. Professional marketers, agencies, and consultants should be able to help a retailer with their online stores and websites.